Missouri Senate Hears the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act

Mar 6, 2023 | Newsroom

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Missouri Non-Discrimination Act


Senate Bill 60 is scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, March 8 marking the first bill this legislative session aimed at protecting LGBTQ+ Missourians instead of harming them


ST. LOUIS (March 6, 2023) — On Wednesday, March 8, at 8 a.m., the Missouri Senate General Laws Committee is set to have a public hearing on the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act (MONA). PROMO, Missouri’s LGBTQ+ public policy and advocacy organization, marks this occasion as the first time this year the Missouri Legislature has explicitly taken a step to protect LGBTQ+ Missourians instead of harming them. It seeks to update the existing Human Rights Statute to include sexual orientation and gender identity, which would protect LGBTQ+ Missourians from discrimination under the existing law.

“Missouri is one of over two dozen states where it is still acceptable to discriminate against someone just for being who they are,” said Katy Erker-Lynch (she/they), Executive Director of PROMO. “The fear of losing your job or not being able to have a roof over your head is something too many LGBTQ+ Missourians face on a daily basis. MONA specifically ensures that every person can safely and equally live, work, raise a family, and age with dignity.”

The legislation, SB 60, proposed by Senator Greg Razer (D-7), adds a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity to the protected categories in Missouri’s Human Rights Statue which determine discrimination unlawful. The immediate benefit of this bill would be felt by more than 180,000 LGBTQ+ Missourians who would be protected from being refused employment, housing, and public services based solely on who they are and who they love.

“For 23 years, we have worked tirelessly to pass the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act and this is the first time in six years it has received a hearing,” said Shira Berkowitz (they/them), Sr. Director of Public Policy and Advocacy for PROMO. “We saw partisan support for this legislation in the past proving this isn’t a one-party issue but an issue about fairness for all Missourians. Over 1,200 businesses also stood behind this issue including multiple Fortune 500 companies on the basis of not only being the right thing to do but also because it makes our state better for business.”

The Missouri Senate General Laws Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, March 8 at 8 a.m. in Room X within the Missouri Capitol (201 W Capitol Ave, Jefferson City, MO 65101). The hearing is open to the public for in-person testimony only and the audio can be listened to online for those who cannot attend. PROMO is expected to host a rally immediately following the hearing on the Missouri State Capitol steps. The public is invited to attend and show support. Media are also welcomed and can expect to receive more specific information on the rally early Wednesday morning.



PROMO is Missouri’s LGBTQ+ policy and advocacy organization that confronts systemic inequities to liberate the full spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and oppression. For more information, visit PROMOonline.org.