PROMO Missouri: “We, as a Community, Vow to Collectively Stop Anti-Trans Legislation in Missouri”

Jun 7, 2023 | Newsroom

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The response from the LGBTQ+ public policy and advocacy organization comes after Missouri Governor, Mike Parson, signed two anti-trans bills into law


Jefferson City, MO (June 7, 2023) — Following the lead of Missouri Conservative Republicans, Governor Mike Parson signed into law two anti-trans bills during Pride Month. Both Senate Bill 39, a law banning transgender athletes, ages kindergarten through college, from participating in school-sanctioned team sports, and Senate Bill 49, a bill revoking access to gender-affirming healthcare for some transgender minors and adults, will go into effect on August 28. The final signature of the governor comes during the month-long Pride celebration across the country for the LGBTQ+ community, which recognizes the progress made in our community’s quest for equality, respect, and safety and the battles yet to come. These laws are not what Missourians want, and cities across our state have shown up to double down on protecting transgender youth and adults. 

PROMO, Missouri’s LGBTQ+ public policy and advocacy organization, issued the following statement from Shira Berkowitz (they/them), Sr. Director of Public Policy and Advocacy:

“After five and a half months of the Missouri General Assembly outright attacking the rights of LGBTQ+ Missourians, it comes as no surprise Gov. Parson chose Pride month, our moment of collective joy, to affirmatively take away our rights. Today, Governor Parson showed just how little Missouri’s state government values LGBTQ+ lives and, in particular, transgender and gender-expansive youth.”

“We exist as a movement because of the power of the Trans women of color who led the way at Stonewall and before. These attacks, while newly etched in law, add to our embarrassing history of elected leaders intentionally taking action to harm transgender Missourians, families raising transgender youth, BIPOC and trans women of color, and rural trans Missourians.”

“As we use this month to be vibrantly in community connecting with Missourians across Pride Fests in Warrensburg, Rolla, Springfield, Cape Girardeau, St. Louis, Columbia, and Kansas City, we vow, as a community, to collectively stop anti-trans legislation and attacks in Missouri.” 

PROMO Missouri encourages all LGBTQ+ Missourians and allies to take action by engaging with and supporting advocacy organizations in their local communities, specifically trans-led organizations such as Metro Trans Umbrella Group, The Shades Project, or St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline in St. Louis (SQSH), Transformations in Kansas City, and Springfield Transgender and Ally Resource Team (START) in Springfield.

“It’s no longer enough to put up a Pride flag and say you support LGBTQ+ rights,” said Robert Fischer, Director of Communications for PROMO. “Missouri’s state government is waging an all-out war on our community and we call on all Missourians to take action. Donate, volunteer, and raise your voice by voting, calling your elected officials, and having tough conversations with those around you.”



PROMO is Missouri’s LGBTQ+ policy and advocacy organization that confronts systemic inequities to liberate the full spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and oppression. For more information, visit