Missouri Politicians Attack the LGBTQ+ Community by Scheduling Nine Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills for Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 24 

Jan 23, 2023 | Newsroom

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Missouri Politicians Attack the LGBTQ+ Community by Scheduling Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills 


Missouri’s House General Laws Committee is scheduled to hear eight anti-LGBTQ+ bills and the Senate Education and Workforce Development committee will hear one


ST. LOUIS (Jan. 23, 2023) — Today, Missouri politicians sent a clear message to the LGBTQ+ community and all Missourians: LGBTQ+ peoples’ existence can and should be rejected and devalued. Eight anti-LGBTQ+ bills are scheduled for a public hearing in the Missouri House General Laws Committee on Tuesday, January 24 at 4:30 p.m. joining an additional bill scheduled to be heard in the Senate Education and Workforce Development committee at 8 a.m. the same day for a total of nine. Legislation covers a range of issues including three aiming to ban transgender girls and women from playing team sports, three banning gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-expansive children, two about drag performances with one banning these in public spaces and the other stating drag should be considered sexual and even pornographic in nature, and one banning inclusive curriculum being taught in public schools on topics like critical race theory, sexual orientation, and gender expression. PROMO, Missouri’s LGBTQ+ public policy and advocacy organization, considers this action a direct hate attack on the Missouri LGBTQ+ community.

“In PROMO’s 36-year history of LGBTQ+ advocacy, we’ve never seen this many bills directly attacking LGBTQ+ Missourians scheduled for one day,” said Katy Erker-Lynch, Executive Director of PROMO. “It is a clear sign that keeping our community from thriving in this state is the most urgent policy priority of this legislative body. How shameful. With dozens of real, pressing issues, our elected officials, the civil servants we employ to represent every one of us and to make sure we all thrive, are instead targeting an already vulnerable population. These actions show that the state and our elected officials support this type of discrimination and are comfortable using LGBTQ+ youth and adults as political pawns to move their priorities forward.”

PROMO is currently tracking a total of 50 bills that impact the lives of LGBTQ+ Missourians. The number of those explicitly attacking the queer community is 39, more than double of what occurred in 2022. There are also 11 focused on children’s education around inclusive curriculum making this the most dangerous legislative session in recent history.

“When legislators call into question our very right to exist and spew transphobic, homophobic rhetoric, it’s no surprise our community lives in fear,” continued Erker-Lynch. “It’s no surprise that parents of trans and non-binary youth fear for the safety and health of their children. Normalizing hate and fueling fear has violent and deadly consequences whether that means robbing young people of an inclusive education and educational environment or hindering transgender students’ ability to thrive by excluding them in team sports. As advocates, parents, and Missourians who value personal freedom and inclusion, we’ll continue to speak out against any attempt to erase and diminish marginalized and historically excluded students from the entire educational experience.”


About PROMO:

PROMO is Missouri’s LGBTQ+ policy and advocacy organization that confronts systemic inequities to liberate the full spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and oppression. For more information, visit PROMOonline.org.