PROMO Condemns Jackson County Republican Party’s Scheduled Vote to Censure Representative Chris Sander

Feb 26, 2023 | Newsroom

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Jackson County Republican Party’s Scheduled Vote


The vote comes as a result of Rep. Sander’s filing of House Joint Resolution 31 aiming to redefine the definition of marriage in the Missouri Constitution


ST. LOUIS (Feb. 26, 2023) — On Monday, February 27, the members of the Jackson County Missouri Republican Party will vote on a motion to censure Representative Chris Sander for filing House Joint Resolution 31. The two-term, openly gay Republican from Lone Jack filed the legislation to redefine marriage within the Missouri Constitution from being between “one man and one woman” to “two individuals.” PROMO, Missouri’s LGBTQ+ public policy and advocacy organization, condemns the committee’s resolution codifying hate and homophobia disguised as religious morals and calls on Jackson County residents to stand up and speak out against it.

“It is ridiculous that after all the progress we’ve made for marriage equality on a federal level, local municipal organizations not only feel empowered to discriminate against LGBTQ+ Missourians but to also uphold that hate by means of religious beliefs,” said Katy Erker-Lynch, Executive Director for PROMO. “We are appalled that Rep. Sander’s own party, in his own county district, is wrongfully targeting him for simply trying to uphold federal law and enshrine those protections to love and marry who you love within our state’s constitution. It is a clear sign that openly gay Republican legislators and LGBTQ+ members of the Republican party are not celebrated in their unions or free to love who they love in Jackson County.”

HJR 31 is in direct response to the passage of the “Respect for Marriage Act” (RMA) signed by President Biden in December of 2023, which enshrined same-sex and interracial marriage protection into federal law. The bill saw widespread bipartisan support with significant backing from Republicans including former Missouri Senator Roy Blunt, showcasing marriage equality is not a partisan issue.

“Marriage equality is the law of the land,” says Shira Berkowitz, Senior Director of Public Policy and Advocacy for PROMO. “The Jackson County Republican Party is taking it upon themselves to insert sincerely held beliefs in government where religion does not belong. Our country is founded on the separation of church and state, and, regardless of any one individual or group’s affiliation with religion, the teachings of that religion are not held more sincere than any other.”

The Jackson County Missouri Republican Party is scheduled to meet at Tiff n Jay’s (700 NE Woods Chapel Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064) on Monday, February 27 at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public for comments.


About PROMO:

PROMO is Missouri’s LGBTQ+ policy and advocacy organization that confronts systemic inequities to liberate the full spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and oppression. For more information, visit