Honor Them With Action

Jun 10, 2020

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We began pride month by acknowledging the Stonewall Inn riots, led by Black and brown trans women, who fought back against rampant police brutality in the name of equality.

Once again, people have taken to the streets in response to yet another police murder of a Black man, George Floyd, and the violence that continues to target Black and brown bodies in our country. Police have yet to be held accountable for the shooting death of Tony McDade, a Black trans man or Breonna Taylor, a Black woman.

As a multiracial movement that fights for people with many identities, we know that full equality and acceptance for all requires us as an organization to embrace dismantling systemic racism. Full equality for LGBTQ Missourians requires us to rise in solidarity with the movement for Black Lives now.

With our hearts already heavy from the lives taken by police brutality and hate violence, this week marks 4 years since the Pulse massacre in Orlando, Florida. Each year we remember the 49 lives, mostly young people of color, taken at their popular gathering place. We join our community partners, Equality Florida, in their call to #HonorThemWithAction.

This is an important year. The LGBTQ community and our allies have the chance to shape the future of our state, and of this country: a future that is more equitable and more inclusive – a future those lost at Pulse would have been proud of.

Here are 2 ways YOU can make a difference, right now:

  • Take our pledge to Vote with PrideThis year, we have the chance to shape the future of this country in the most important election of our lifetime. #HonorThemWithAction by pledging to vote, by pledging to follow PROMO’s endorsed candidates across the state, and by pledging to vote with an understanding of the ballot measures that will make our state more equitable and inclusive for all Missourians.
  • Take action today by committing to show up for the Movement:
    • If you are white and/or white-passing, we encourage you to dig into and share these anti-racism resources. Move with us as an anti-racist intersectional movement. We encourage you to engage in conversation with friends, family, your employer, and with elected officials who represent you.
    • For our Black, Brown, and Indigenous supporters, and allies, we encourage you to center Black Trans Lives by showing up with our local Black trans leaders.
    • If you are able to, show up with those protesting police brutality and racial violence. Or show up in your own way from home.

We know you understand what it means to rise up and push back against a culture that tells us we’re less than and that our lives don’t matter. Join us as we ask the community to #HonorThemWithAction — and to that rallying cry, we add our voice to the powerful and heartbreaking necessity of the simple message: #BlackTransLivesMatter, #BlackLivesMatter.

Thanks for working with us to create real and lasting change.

In equality,

Stephen Eisele
Executive Director, PROMO