Legislative Update: Lawmakers are Trying to Shred our Constitution

Jul 8, 2024

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Laws Impacting All of Us are Moving

Harmful bills moved forward this week, impacting all Missourians. The House voted out HB 2634, a bill which defunds Medicaid reimbursements for Planned Parenthood, and now heads to the governor’s desk where he could potentially sign it into law. If he does, Missourians who rely on Medicaid will lose access to high-quality health care such as birth control, wellness exams, STI testing and treatment, and cancer screenings.

Within the Senate, one of our most visible champions in the chamber was confirmed to his appointment to the State Tax Commission. Greg Razer resigned his seat as senator after almost eight years of work prioritizing the fight to gain equality under the law for all LGBTQ+ Missourians. We’re eternally grateful for his leadership, his unwavering commitment, and his continued defense of our rights amidst the onslaught of attacks.

Our relationships within the state legislature continue to deepen with our biggest allies and our champions, all of whom will not stop advocating for our community and standing up against the hate of their colleagues.

TL;DR — Here are the THREE steps to take action this week:

  1. Demand Governor Parson veto HB 2634 and ensure Missourians have access to essential health care.
  2. Urge your senator to vote NO on SJR 74 and to defend the “one person, one vote” majority rule we have in place.
  3. Call Governor Parson to veto SB 727 and protect the funding of public education.

PROMO staff joined other movement organizations at the MOVE Summit to dive deeper into work, broaden our understanding of intersectionality, and come together to learn.

The omnibus education bill, SB 727, was truly agreed upon and passed out of the House. It is now headed to the governor’s desk for him to potentially sign. As a reminder, the bill expands charter schools and creates voucher programs that threatens public education. Private voucher schools do not provide the same rights and protections to students as public schoolsincluding Titles IV and VI of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Every Student Succeeds Act. Furthermore, vouchers often deny admission to or expel LGBTQ+ students and students with LGBTQ+ family members.

We need you to call Governor Parson now and demand he vetoes SB 727 to protect public education: (573) 751-3222.

The House passed SJR 74, a resolution aimed at eliminating majority rule which has defined Missouri’s citizen initiative process for more than a century. Because it was amended, the resolution heads back to the Senate where it will either be accepted in its current form or given further debate. A couple items to note are: (1) this resolution allows as few as 23% of Missouri legislators to override a measure supported by a majority of Missourians and (2) it contains ballot candy language designed to trick voters into believing we need this law. Examples of this language include mandating only citizens can register to vote and blocking foreign funding from supporting local campaigns — both are already law.

This move to advance SJR 74 is viciously led by Sen. Coleman, a candidate for Missouri Secretary of State where she would operate as the chief election official. However, this issue isn’t being voted along party lines as Rep. Patterson continues to vote against this measure with Democrats. We need you to email your senator now and tell them to vote NO on SJR 74. Urge them to say no to any effort to dismantle the “one person, one vote” majority rule already embedded into our constitution.

There are other ways that you can support our organization and the work we do as we continue to try and change the hearts, minds, and policies that shape our state.


If you’re in the Kansas City area on Thursday, May 23, consider joining PROMO PAC (our political action committee) for their fundraiser at Enzo to help elect pro-equality candidates throughout our state. We have the opportunity to change our state government from one of hate to one that values every single Missourian no matter who they are or who they love. Consider purchasing a ticket today and enjoy light snacks, beverages, all while hearing from pro-equality candidates in the area.


Our wonderful Springfield community is invited to our upcoming Pints with PROMO event, where you’ll get to put faces with our organization. Meet some of our staff including our newest hire in the area and board members who represent rural Missourians. Join us also on Thursday, May 23 at The Golden Girl Rum Club for food and your first round of drinks on us!


We’ve partnered with KBIA, NPR’s affiliate station in mid-Missouri, to host a listening session on how reporters can improve their coverage about LGBTQ+ issues, the upcoming election, and what we need from them. LGBTQ+ adults, queer parents, and ally parents raising LGBTQ+ youth within and around the Jefferson City area are invited to attend for the Tuesday, May 7 event. Dinner will be provided and we’re also offering $30 gas cards to help offset travel costs. Sign-up today and use your voice.

We are in the last three weeks of session and we know it is tough. While we have diligently worked with you to kill as many bills as possible this year, these remaining weeks embolden our opposition to bring up anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ topics as amendments on as many bills as possible. 

Please know that we are staying diligent and working with our allies to not let any of these stick and pass through.