Legislative Update: Protecting Our Joy and Fighting for DE&I

Jan 24, 2025


Senator Patty Lewis with HIV advocate, Kneeshe Parkinson, who was introduced as a special guest of Sen. Lewis when introducing SB 609, an HIV decriminalization bill.

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Week 3 (January 20-24, 2025)


LGBTQ+ people in Missouri face increasing hostility, both locally and federally. Recent federal actions seek to harm transgender people and foster fear and confusion.

These attacks are relentless — our strength is greater.

As you open this email and read about everything happening within our state government and as you move about this world consuming news about federal events, remember to care for yourself and each other during these challenging times. Politicians cannot take away our joy because they weren’t the ones who gave it to us.

TL;DR — Actions You Need to Take

Speak Out Against HB 875


On Monday, January 27 at 4:30 p.m., the House Emerging Issues Committee will host a public hearing over HB 875. This dangerous bill paves the way for discriminatory groups to organize on higher education campuses AND allows them to receive state taxpayer funding.

If you’re a student group member or have been positively impacted by student organizations on campus, please:

Thank Senator Patty Lewis


We’d like to ask you to send Senator Patty Lewis a message of appreciation for filing the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act (MONA) and SB 609, a bill that decriminalizes, destigmatizes, and modernizes the laws around people living with HIV. A simple note of thanks goes a long way in helping our ally lawmakers to continue fighting for equality.

Key Legislative Actions This Week

Emerging Issues Committee Hearing on HB 742


We were given less than 18 hours to organize on HB 742, a bill that would ban Missouri state agencies from funding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs OR awarding contracts to businesses who prioritize DEI. However, thanks to our powerful community, 116 people submitted testimony in opposition outnumbering supporters nearly 10 to 1.

In the future, the House Emerging Issues Committee is set to meet at 4:30 p.m. on Mondays and we anticipate this committee will play host to the committee hearings on most of the anti-LGBTQ+ bills we are fighting this legislative session.

Bright Spots Amid Challenges

Community Power in Action


Our Wednesday was a day when we saw the community in action, not only on the above hearing but for reproductive and abortion rights. Our team stood with community members from across the state reminding politicians of our collective strength — the same strength that organized to pass Amendment 3. Over 200 people showed up to demand lawmakers respect our voices and our right to bodily autonomy.

A special thank you to our partners including Abortion Action Missouri, Action STL, ACLU of Missouri, Planned Parenthood Great Plains, and Planned Parenthood Great Rivers for leading this event.

Senator Patty Lewis Files Two Critical Bills


We’ve asked you to send thank you notes to Sen. Lewis because of her leadership in filing two positive LGBTQ+ bills that would expand protections and push forward equity.

  1. Missouri Non-Discrimination Act (MONA) — For the first time in its 27-year history, the language of MONA would include “veteran status” as a protected class giving honorably discharged veterans legal protection from discrimination under the Missouri Human Rights Act. The bill also includes the Missouri CROWN Act, which protects people from discrimination based on their hair, hairstyle, or texture of hair.
  2. SB 609 HIV Modernization — This bill aims to modernize, destigmatize, and decriminalize laws impacting people living with HIV in an effort to help end Missouri’s HIV epidemic. SB 609 removes barriers to care as well as increases access to care for PLHIV, those living with serious infections, and those with communicable diseases. It also strengthens and protects patient privacy.