Missouri DOR Secretly Changes Gender Marker Procedure

Aug 19, 2024 | Newsroom

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Be Lovely Photography


A sign that says “Trans Lives Matter” is held in the air at a protest in Jefferson City for trans rights back in 2023.

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Missouri Department of Revenue Secretly Changes Its Procedure for Missourians to Legally Update Their Gender Markers


ST. LOUIS (August 19, 2024) — PROMO, Missouri’s LGBTQ+ public policy and advocacy organization, announced the launch of its “The ID For Me” campaign where transgender and nonbinary Missourians can report if they are having issues with getting their name or gender marker changed on their identifying documents. The initiative comes after the Missouri Department of Revenue secretly changed the way state residents could legally update their gender markers on identifying documents. During the timeframe of August 5-7, the previous form used (Form 5532) was removed from the department’s website, the Department of Motor Vehicles’ website, and all DMV offices across the state removed the paper copies. Residents who have tried to use the form over the past two weeks have been told the form is no longer valid or accepted. The Missouri Department of Revenue now requires either a “signed medical document from a surgeon stating gender reassignment surgery has been done or a court order,” an alarming shift in a policy that has been in place since 2016.

“We demand Director Wayne Wallingford explain to the public why the sudden shift in a policy that has stood since at least 2016,” said Katy Erker-Lynch, Executive Director of PROMO. “When we’ve asked department representatives about why, they stated it was ‘following an incident.’ It seems the mere mention and threat of a potential investigation into the policies and practices of the Department of Revenue caused Director Wallingford to end a policy that worked to help people. This decision reflects a state and state departments run by fear and intimidation — not a state run to serve its residents.”

In 2016, both Missouri’s Department of Motor Vehicles and Department of Revenue scored an “F” among national human rights and LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations for the state’s process for legally changing a person’s gender marker. It would be later the same year that the Department of Revenue and PROMO staff, Steph Perkins (former executive director) and Elizabeth Fuchs (former policy manager), worked hand-in-hand to update the process for gender marker changes. The result was better and less convoluted including the creation of Form 5532, a step in the right direction allowing a doctor, not a judge, to determine someone’s self-identified gender.

“Missouri continues to prove it is a state committed to fostering the erasure of transgender, gender expansive, and nonbinary Missourians,” said Erker-Lynch. “This action from the Missouri Department of Revenue is another attempt to stop recognizing people in public and civic life. There was a time, just 12 years ago, when the State of Missouri sat down with trans leadership and trans allies to have dialogue about policy implications and to understand the reality facing these communities. Now, Missouri leaders act secretively and without transparency, weaponizing their positions of power to hurt those already disenfranchised.”

The statewide LGBTQ+ rights organization was first contacted by multiple individuals from Springfield, Ashland, and St. Louis. Staff then heard from other organizations such as Metro Trans Umbrella Group (MTUG), Trans Housing Initiative of St. Louis (THISTL), Planned Parenthood Great Rivers (PPGR), and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in Missouri all of whom said members, clients, and community members were contacting them with concerns about a change in the process. The change in the policy came with no public notice and no information has been posted online. Since roughly Tuesday, August 6, transgender and nonbinary Missourians have been denied the ability to change their gender markers. PROMO, alongside all mentioned organizations, plan to exhaust all pathways necessary to fight back if the Missouri Department of Revenue does not provide answers.

For more information or to report an issue with updating your name or gender marker on identifying documents, visit PROMO’s website.

For Inquiries:

Robert Fischer