Over 20 Missourians, Compromised of Former Collegiate Athletes, Educators, and Clergy, Voice Opposition to Senate Bill 42 

Jan 24, 2023 | Newsroom

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Over 20 Missourians Voice Opposition to Senate Bill 42 


Individuals across the state joined PROMO in Jefferson City to provide testimony about why this legislation is harmful to the LGBTQ+ community, especially children


ST. LOUIS (Jan. 24, 2023) — PROMO, Missouri’s LGBTQ+ public policy and advocacy organization, brought Missourians from across the state to testify in opposition at the Missouri Senate Education and Workforce Development committee’s public hearing over Senate Bill 42 (SB 42, R-Brattin) on Tuesday, January 24. The legislation targets children by banning values and ideologies of inclusive, diverse, and comprehensive curriculum in public schools and banning transgender girls and women from participating in team sports.

The group of over 20 testifiers comprised of former collegiate athletes, educators, members of the clergy including rabbis and reverends, therapists, and parents of transgender and gender-expansive children. Other notable figures who joined include Pat Holterman-Hommes, the CEO of Youth in Need, Leslie Kohlmeyer, Executive Director of Show Me KC Schools, and Caitlin Ung, Campaigns and Policy Associate of ACLU Missouri.

Immediately following the public hearing, PROMO released these statements to urge the Senate committee members to oppose and vote no on Senate Bill 42:

Quote from Katy Erker-Lynch, Executive Director of PROMO

“A swath of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation has been filed here in Missouri, many of which are already moving in committees,” said Katy Erker-Lynch, Executive Director of PROMO. “When legislators call into question our very right to exist and spew transphobic, homophobic rhetoric, it’s no surprise our community lives in fear. It’s no surprise that parents of trans and non-binary youth fear for the safety and health of their children. Normalizing hate and fueling fear has violent and deadly consequences.”


Quote from Shira Berkowitz, Sr. Director Public Policy & Advocacy of PROMO

“Bills, such as SB 42, communicate not just to the LGBTQ+ community but to all people that our very existence can and should be rejected and devalued,” said Shira Berkowitz, Sr. Director of Public Policy and Advocacy of PROMO. “It also makes clear the state and our elected officials support this type of discrimination whether that means robbing young people of an inclusive education and educational environment or hindering transgender students’ ability to thrive by excluding them in team sports.”


Quote from Robert Fischer, Director of Communications of PROMO

“It isn’t lost on us the irony of this legislation when just over one week ago we celebrated the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” said Robert Fischer, Director of Communications of PROMO. “He dedicated his life to fighting for civil rights and we must continue Dr. King’s progress by taking a hard look at truths from our past. As advocates, parents, and Missourians who value personal freedom and inclusion, we’ll continue to speak out against any attempt to erase and diminish marginalized and historically excluded students from the entire educational experience.”


About PROMO:

PROMO is Missouri’s LGBTQ+ policy and advocacy organization that confronts systemic inequities to liberate the full spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and oppression. For more information, visit PROMOonline.org.