Over 30 Missourians, Compromised of Sports Experts, Clergy, and Educators, Voiced Opposition to Six Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills on January 31

Jan 31, 2023 | Newsroom

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Over 30 Missourians Voiced Opposition to Six Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills


Missouri’s Senate Emerging Issues Committee heard testimony on six anti-transgender bills targeting children as young as kindergartners from playing team sports


ST. LOUIS (Jan. 31, 2023) — PROMO, Missouri’s LGBTQ+ public policy and advocacy organization, brought Missourians from across the state to testify in opposition at the Missouri Emerging Issues Committee’s public hearing of six bills on Tuesday, January 31. Those pieces of legislation included SB 2 (Hoskins R-21), SB 29 (Luetkemeyer R-34), SB 39 (Rehder R-27), SB 48 (Moon R-29), SB 87 (Brown R-26), and SB 165 (Carter R-32) — all of which focus on banning transgender children, even as young as kindergartners, from playing team sports.

The group of over 30 testifiers comprised of sports experts, educators, social workers, members of the clergy, and parents of transgender children. Other notable figures who joined included Anne Lieberman of Athlete Ally and Casey Pick of The Trevor Project,

Immediately following the public hearing, PROMO released these statements to urge the Senate committee members to oppose and vote no on all six bills from Executive Director, Katy Erker-Lynch (she/they), Sr. Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, Shira Berkowitz (they/them), and Director of Policy and Programs of Athlete Ally, Anne Lieberman (they/them):

Quote from Katy Erker-Lynch, Executive Director of PROMO

“As a queer kid, growing up in Missouri, athletics meant the world to me,” said Katy Erker-Lynch, Executive Director of PROMO. “The opportunity to participate in sports improved my self-confidence, made me feel connected to my peers, and helped me to develop a sense of community. We need to call these bills exactly what they are — attempts to deprive transgender youth the opportunity to have a full educational experience.”


Quote from Shira Berkowitz, Sr. Director Public Policy & Advocacy of PROMO

“Some of the legislation proposed today targets kindergarteners, kids as young as five and six years old,” said Shira Berkowitz, Sr. Director of Public Policy and Advocacy of PROMO. “These children only know they want to laugh and run around and play sports with their friends. Kids learn incredibly valuable, lifelong lessons from team sports like leadership, self-respect, and perseverance. Why should they be denied this opportunity that every child should have?”


Quote from Anne Lieberman, Director of Policy & Programs of Athlete Ally

“If you pass this bill, you will be no closer to addressing the issues women and girls actually face in sport,” said Anne Lieberman, Director of Policy & Programs of Athlete Ally. “Issues like sexual harassment and assault, uneven implementation of Title IX, pay equity – the list goes on. Instead, you’ll actively hurt young people and the girls you are aiming to protect.”



About PROMO:

PROMO is Missouri’s LGBTQ+ policy and advocacy organization that confronts systemic inequities to liberate the full spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and oppression. For more information, visit PROMOonline.org.