Help Build Power

For the Engaged Advocate

Our collective ability to create change within Missouri increases with knowledge and awareness about what is happening around us. The information provided below is meant to help you stay engaged and stay educated on how you can advocate for yourself and LGBTQ+ rights across the state.

PROMO Stands With Planned Parenthood

PROMO Stands With Planned Parenthood

PROMO stands with Planned Parenthood, urging you to oppose the efforts to defund Planned Parenthood in the U.S. ...
#BlackLivesMatter: A Letter From Our Executive Director

#BlackLivesMatter: A Letter From Our Executive Director

Dear Equality Supporter; Over the last year, our nation has been witness to incredible highs and horrific lows – ...
Rest in Power Tamara Dominguez

Rest in Power Tamara Dominguez

Trans lives matter.  Especially to the families and friends of the growing number of transgender women and men ...
PROMO’s Top 9 Moments of 2015

PROMO’s Top 9 Moments of 2015

The year 2015 had its up and down moments. Here were the top moments of 2015, in no particular ...
PROMO Announces Steph Perkins As New Executive Director

PROMO Announces Steph Perkins As New Executive Director

The PROMO & PROMO Fund Boards announced this week that they have named Steph Perkins as the new Executive ...
Reproductive Justice Is An LGBTQ Issue

Reproductive Justice Is An LGBTQ Issue

On June 29th, I had the opportunity to stand by other supporters of reproductive justice at Reproaction’s Show Me ...
Discomfort Is Part of the Work

Discomfort Is Part of the Work

Two years ago this week, Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri, a city where less than two years ...
Top 9 Moments of 2016

Top 9 Moments of 2016

The year 2016 was yet another historic year. Here were the top LGBT moments in 2016, in no particular ...
Our Executive Director’s Statement on Title IX Implementation

Our Executive Director’s Statement on Title IX Implementation

Last night, the Trump Administration rescinded lifesaving Title IX guidance for transgender students in public ...
Difficult Two Weeks

Difficult Two Weeks

Dear Friend, Early Tuesday morning, Kiwi Herring was killed by Saint Louis Metro Police Officers. Kiwi was a ...
12 Unforgettable Moments in Missouri LGBT History

12 Unforgettable Moments in Missouri LGBT History

Before we begin, did you know LGBT History Month was founded by a Missourian? Rodney Wilson, a Missouri history ...
Transgender Day of Remembrance Events in Missouri

Transgender Day of Remembrance Events in Missouri

Monday, November 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance. In 2017 alone, there have been 25 transgender murders, that ...