Help Build Power

For the Engaged Advocate

Our collective ability to create change within Missouri increases with knowledge and awareness about what is happening around us. The information provided below is meant to help you stay engaged and stay educated on how you can advocate for yourself and LGBTQ+ rights across the state.

Is Missouri’s Gender-Affirming Care Ban Affecting You?

Is Missouri’s Gender-Affirming Care Ban Affecting You?

Transgender Missourians Are Being Targeted On Friday, August 25, St. Louis Circuit Court Judge ...
Is Missouri’s Tran Athlete Ban Affecting You?

Is Missouri’s Tran Athlete Ban Affecting You?

Transgender Athletes Are Being Targeted On Monday, August 28, Senate Bill 39 became Missouri law. ...
Trans Day of Remembrance 2023

Trans Day of Remembrance 2023

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is more than a solemn observance — it's a call to action for all of us. ...
June Missouri Events

June Missouri Events

Important Missouri Events to Know   "Nothing For Us, Without Us" A KC Trans Community Town ...
PROMO Highlights from 2018

PROMO Highlights from 2018

We've had an incredible year! Check out the top 10 moments of 2018: The Missouri Nondiscrimination Act (MONA) ...
Protest Safety Tips

Protest Safety Tips

Many in our community are out in the streets working for justice, and others are wondering how to start. It’s ...
LGBTQ History Month

LGBTQ History Month

It’s LGBTQ History Month, and PROMO is proud to honor an organization in our state that has been unapologetically ...